View from our room |

Here we are again, back hanging out with my mom, sister, and her family. We arrived on Wednesday, March, 30th. This time we are parked in the driveway across the street...her neighbor has a large, graveled in area for our rig. The kids are enjoying staying in their Mirma's(grandma) house at night. This last weekend was girls weekend...yahoo! My mom, sister and I went over to the coast and stayed in my dad's condo that he has there. It over looks the ocean, it was absolutely beautiful and relaxing. My mom only stayed one night and then headed back to check on the rest of the gang. While she was there we had a great time eating, drinking, and relaxing, and doing some facial masks. On Saturday, my sister and I went glass blowing and made these beautiful glass floats. It was so great, it was interesting, relaxing and extremely fun. We then spent the rest of the day shopping and then stopped in this little bar called the Sea Hag. We were not prepared for how much fun we were going to have, we were just going to stop and have one drink, but that turned into a few drinks. The bar tenders break out in song by playing all the bar bottles with wooden spoons, it was awesome! There was then some live music and then another round of bar bottle playing and this time it was done to the chicken song/dance...so of course we had to get up and participate in the chicken dance.
We then headed back to the condo for an enjoyable evening of movies. We were sad when we had to leave and head back. I was glad we had that chance to hang out and enjoy each other!