Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 2011

Day 1 - tearing up the yard

Day 1 - digging the enormous hole

Day 2 - building the steel walls

Day 3 - laying down the pool krete bottom

Day 3 - putting in the liner

Day 4 and 5 were spent doing electrical and gas
Day 6 - they laid out the form for the concrete patio around the pool

Day 7 - they poured the concrete, the white pipes are for umbrellas
and they will be cut down flush with the cement

Day 8 - almost ready we just have to wait for the pool to be turned on and cleaned
Should be ready this weekend, can't wait to jump on in!
Well I have decided to continue to blog about my family.  The last time I blogged we were headed back to Minnesota.  My husband was flying back and forth for job interviews and is now in a new role with a new company.  That is why we came back earlier than we expected.
Since being back the kids have really enjoyed seeing and hanging out with their friends.  Jake is back golfing in tournaments, Rees is doing gymnastics, and Trent is now involved in Karate.  For me I am back to taxi service and keeping up the house.  I am finding that having a house is way too much work!!!  I miss the trailer, which by the way has been in the shop trying to get fixed!  What a surprise, huh?
We have managed to add one big addition to our back in-ground pool!  It took only 8 days to complete the process...WOW!

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