Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kemah, Texas - Wednesday 11/17

Greetings from Kemah!  Yes I said Kemah.  A town that is southeast of Houston.  We are staying at a campground called the Marina Bay RV Resort, which by the way is not a very kid friendly place.  We haven't had the warm and fuzzy feeling from this place.  Anyway the weather has not been great - windy, chilly, and a little rain.  Yesterday the weather was finally warmer, still a little wind, but nice.  The kids decided they wanted to go swimming after school, except for Rees, so we a pool that was not heated!  That was the best laugh I have had in a long time.  Watching the boys jump in and then quickly jump out.  Yet Jake continued to keep jumping getting used to it, really I just think his body actually got too numb to feel the coldness any longer.  While they played football, Jake in the pool and Trent on the outside of the pool, I painted Rees' nails.  We were right next to the bayou so we got to watch this amazing sight of  a pelican diving down into the water, he hits that water so hard it looks like he should be hurt, and then coming up with a fish to eat.

Later in the evening we went out to dinner.  Guess what?  We finally made it to one of those Diner, Drive-ins, and Dive places right here in Kemah.  It was called T-Bone Tom's Steakhouse.  Cute little diner, and packed.  We had their famous Armadillo Eggs - pickled jalapenos stuffed with beef brisket then fried.  They were huge and very yummy, a little too spicy for the kids, but I was very proud that they tried them.  It was one of those places were everything was fried, but yummy.

After dinner we went to the Kemah Boardwalk.  They have some rides and shops right on the gulf.  We walked around and then came across the Aquarium where you can feed and touch stingrays, well of course we had to do it.  We bought our tickets and food and proceeded into the stingray area.  These things came right up the side and out of the tank to try to get fed.  We were all a little apprehensive/scared to do it, except Trent, that child is not afraid of much.   Right as we came up to the edge one came right up and out onto the ledge, of course I screamed!  Bryce, Trent and I fed them, Jake and Rees only wanted to touch them. You had to hold the little fish you were feeding them in between your fingers, then making a fist with the fish sticking out put your hand in the water and the stingray would come up and suck, yes suck like a vacuum, the fish out of your fingers.  The only problem is that it was hard to even get your hand in the tank, as they were all over there and up on the sides wanting the food.  They also had a small portion of the tank separated with a piece of plexiglass, this kept some of the baby ones from the larger ones.  Those little ones were so cute, and of course they would come right up the side.  Trent was letting them just suck on his fingers.  We stayed there for quite a while just touching and watching the stingrays, it was a great experience!

1 comment:

  1. Too cold for swimming in an outside pool? Must be rough. I think if one were to jump into a pool here in MN right now, they would have to break through a think layer of ice beings it's now BELOW 32 degrees. BRRRR! So fun to check out and read about the Malone Madness, and I just love the book reviews. Jake, I think you are the first person to convince me to read A Cricket in Times Square with the solid review you did on this classic novel. Trent and Rees, your book reviews were excellent as well. Hope your time in Texas is terrific (a little alliteration for ya) and I look forward to see what adventures come next. Before I go, I have to break some news to you. My wonderful wife gave birth to our first child on Monday night (7:53 pm to be exact) and we are now the proud parents of Trayl (pronounced trail) James "TJ" Feustel who weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 oz and was 20.5 inches long (although when I remeasured at home, I came up with 21 inches). Just thought I'd share. Safe travels Malone family!

    P.S. Jake, YOU are awesome!
